Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents of Ann Prees, old blind woman, relict of John Prees of Pontrylas Mill

Place name:





1. Will dated 31 March 1666 , with mark:
Beneficiaries; To Thomas David, nephew, £6.
To Joan and Jann Aust, two daughters of William Aust, 20/- each and 10/- apiece to buy sheep or lambs.
To John, son of James Jonnes, £5 to purchase him an apprenticeship.
To Steven Baskervile, gent 10/- to 'buy him necessaries for his use'
To Richard Cary, 10/-.
To Elizabeth Morgan, my guide, 10/-.
To Ann Prosser, 'the now wife of Rees Prosse', £5, 'to buy her a goune or what shee pleaseth and the rest of my talent.'
The remainder to be used for fureal expenses.

Executor: Rees Prosser, her 'trustie friend'

Marked by testator.

Witnesses: Thomas Powell, Thomas David, William Aust & Ann Prosser.

Date of Probate:
11 February 1666 .

2. Inventory: dated
31 July 1666 , value £16 5 0d Appraisers Thomas David & William Aust.




Includes a coversheet and a bond. 4 sheets in all
It might be disputed whether Pontrilas Mill falls within Rowleston parish, but the testatrix does not identify in which parish she lives. The inclusion of this will amongst the Rowlestone documents seems to be because the bond binds 'Ricous Prosser de Roulston'

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0392