Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents of Catheringe Morgan, widow

Place name:





1. Will d ated 27 December 1668 , with:
Beneficiaries: To Phillipp Morgan ,son, all the oats growing upon the ground and lands and all the [?]grain in the Barn
To Blanch Morgan, sister, one cow.
To Mary Morgan wife of son, William, one cow
To Blanch, daughter, one cow and one young beast. and one of the ? beds
To Phillip, son, 2 pigs, 2 oxen and one feather bed
To ? Morgan, son, one ?.
To Morgan, son, one cow and one bedstead.also one young beast and a wain.
To William Morgan one young beast.
To Phillip, son, one young beast and a mare.
To the children of Morgan, 2 pigs.
To Sara Morgan  one feather bed.
All the rest of the household stuff to be divided equally between her children.

Executors: William and Phillip Morgan

Witnesses: Jenkin Scudamore Catherin Watkins & Blanch Jenkins.

Date of Probate:
25 January 1668 .

2. Inventory: [2pages] dated
2 January 1668 , value £34 18 0d. Appraisers Phillip Prichard, [?] Phillps & undecipherable [because the name falls within a fold of the original document]



  Observations :

This will is extremely difficult to decipher because of the poor quality of the paper it has been written on and the poor quill. It is a mass of blots and blotches the inventory is quite detailed and contains some unusual items what for instance was a pillowbord? There seems, on this photocopy, to lack a testator's signature but some faint marks on the bottom right of the will above the probate paragraph are probably a signature or mark which has been too faint to register on the copy. Documents include a bond; 4 pages in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0383