Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents of James Price, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will [3 pages] dated 24 November 1796:

Beneficiaries: To 'oldest son' William 'all that my freehold estate and lands…in which I now dwell and which I hold in fee simple together with the corn grist mill lands…in the said parish of Rowlstone.' Subject to the payment of the mortgage and the various legacies.
To Mary Price, daughter, wife of Philip Price of Bithel in the parish of Rowlstone, £20.
To Anne Haw, daughter, £20
To Elizabeth Price,daughter, £40.plus a brass kettle, one new cupboard, one half of the household furniture and six and a half hogsheads.
To Walter, son, £25.
To daughter, Sarah, £2 10 0d to be paid annually in two equal instalments and 'she may enter upon the premises as landlord for the said sums of money or income….during her natural life'.
To Eleanor, daughter, £25 plus one half the household furniture and six and a half hogsheads
To son, James, £35 and one horse or mare.

Executor: son, William

Signed by testator

Witnesses: William Williams, William Williams [the signature of the second William Williams is different from the first] and Thomas Bowen Cleric.

Date of Probate:
17 April 1799 .

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
20 March 1799 , value £31 19 0d. Appraisers Joseph Garmson & William Pritchard.





The will is written in very circuitous, legal language and uses the word "covin" meaning conspiracy in the context of defrauding. From the signatures of the witnesses it seems likely that it was written by Thomas Bowen, who under his name has written Cleric and the crossed it through. Includes a coversheet; 6 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0381