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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents of Milburne Prichard, gent of Vedow

Place name:





1.Will dated 20 December 1754:
Beneficiaries; To Mary, wife, 'all goods and household stuff and implyments of household…' for her lifetime with permission to change and alter them as necessary. Thereafter to son, William.
Also '…all my weat and grain, hay and horses pigs sheep ploughtack rent in tenants hands and all other my personal estate…' to provide for the payment of debts and funeral expenses. Any surplus to be divided equally between wife, Mary and son, William.

Executrix: Wife, Mary.

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: Samuel Pugh of Rowleston & [undecipherable] Springely.

Property named: Vedow

Date of Probate: 2 January 1756.

2. Inventory: dated 15 October 1755, value £19 5 6d Appraisers Thomas Gwillim & William Gwillim.




An interesting set of documents with this will which contain
1. A letter of renunciation by the executrix in favour of the son, William.
2. A copy of the agreement to the change which includes the name of the Proctor who made the approach to the Surrogate in the latter's house in Brecon on the widow's behalf.
3. A bond with William Prichard and Thomas Gwillim both gentlemen of Rowlestone bound in the sum of £500 for the administration of the will, which would seem to indicate that the estate must have been considerably more extensive than the inventory value indicates.
Although the value of the inventory is less than £20 it is of particular interest in that as well as being a room by room list it also includes the names of other properties wherein some items are found and indicates that these properties, when taken with the wording in the will about tenants, must have been part of the real estate of the deceased. That is Werndee and Orcob and also the 'least [leased] day house'. Coversheet and separate registration instruction; 8 pages in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0394