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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents of William Morgan, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will [2pages] dated 12 March 1714:
Beneficiaries; To sisters, Margaret James, wife of William James and Winifred Wall wife of John Wall, '…all my real estate lying within ye parish of Rowlston equally to be divided between them…' plus all goods cattle and chattels with the exceptions set out below and on condition that the testator's debts be paid out of his land.
To niece, Elizabeth, 'who now lives with one daughter to my sister Ann Morgan', one of my best beds with bedstead and all 'that thereunto belongs', one chest, one brass kettle and £5.
To cousin, James Morgan, two of my best flitches of bacon.
To god daughter, Margery Evans, 5/-.
To god daughter, Catherine Price, 5/-.
To godson, David Thomas 5/-

Executors: sisters Margaret James and Winifred Wall

Marked by testator.

Witnesses: J Scudamore, James Prichard & Thomas Prichard.

Date of Probate:
5 March 1715 .

2. Inventory: [copy only] dated
23 October 1715 , value £10 2 6d. Appraisers Thomas Prichard & James Morgan.




The writing on the will is very faded. Documents include a separate coversheet; 4 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0389