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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will of Phillip Price, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will dated 10 May 1697
Beneficiaries: To son, James, 'the sume of foure score pounds being due to me from James Prees, son of Thomas Prees of Roulston deceased'. The £80 being a mortgage deed repayable on the death of the testator. Also to James one half of the household stuff and goods.
To Catherine, wife, £10, due from John Delahay, clerk, of Longtown by bond. Also £4 due from Wynifred Prichard, widow, of Clodock by specialty; £3 due from Samuel Rawlins, tanner, of Walterstone by specialty; £4 due from William Jones [next few word lost in a fold of the parchment possibly of 'Lancillo'] by specialty; £5 due from Charles Williams , yeoman, of Langua by specialty; as well as the other half of the household stuff and goods.
To Mary, wife of William Wall of Roulston, £3, due from Morgan Lewis, yeoman, of Clodock by specialty.
To John, Robert and Blanch Wall, sons and daughter of William Wall of Roulston £2 each on their attaining the age of 21.The six pounds to be paid by son, James.
To Mary, daughter of William Wall '..all what sume of money that will be reconed for a certaine parcel of cordwood and hoop ash wch is all ready sold and that stock to be fully paid her by my son and heir Walter Price'. Walter Price to have the 'cordwood ash'.

Executors: Walter Price & James Price, sons.

Marked by testator

Witnesses: Charles Williams, Rees Prichard & Thomas Gunter.

Date of Probate: 3 May 1698



Observations :

No inventory, Will only. The almost total exclusion of Walter, quoted as son and heir, from a mention in this will would seem to indicate that he inherited the farm either as eldest son of a freeholder or as the next 'life' on a three life/99year lease . 1 sheet.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0378