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The Mansions of Herefordshire and their Memories: CJ Robinson

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Charles John Robinson MA was Vicar of Norton Canon in Herefordshire, and his book was published by Longmans & Co. of London in 1872. It includes comments on the parishes and prominent families of the county. The following entry is for Rowlestone:


“Rowlston, or Rowlandston, was possessed by John de Turberville in the reign of Henry III., who obtained a charter of free-warren therein in 1266. Afterwards it appears to have been given to Aconbury priory (Blount’s MS.), and at the dissolution was granted, with other lands, to the Mayor and Burgesses of Gloucester, and charged with the payment of 2s. per annum to the Cathedral Church of Hereford. It was soon afterwards purchased by the Parry family and sold in 1602, by John Parry, to Sir John Scudamore of Hom [sic] Lacy (Old Deed), who seems to have alienated it to the Scudamores of Kentchurch, in whom the lordship has since been vested. The old mansion, occupied by a junior branch of the Scudamore family* is said to have been near the church (Duncumb), but no traces of it now remain. The advowson belonged to Llanthony Priory and was granted by Henry VIII to Nicholas Arnold and his heirs, who sold it to the Harleys, and they to Sir George Cornewall and others. The church is a very beautiful example of Norman work, and contains a great deal of sculpture and ornament of early date, but the most curious feature – possibly unique in England – is the series of iron candelabra attached to the walls of the sacrarium, and embellished with numerous cocks – in allusion to St. Peter, the Saint to whom the church is dedicated.

* A pedigree of Scudamore of Rowlston was entered at the Her. Vis. of 1634. It begins with Rosser Scudamore (brother of Jenkin Scudamore of Llancillo, whose great-grandson, Thomas, died in 1659), father of John Rosser Scudamore, whose son, Philip, had Thomas of Longtown, and he Jenkin. The Par. Reg. contains baptismal entries relating to the children of Richard Scudamore (bur. 24 Dec., 1741) and his wife, Joan (bur. 28 Dec., 1735).”

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