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Gwent Record Office




Catalogue, Lord Abergavenny’s estates


Lease for lives and Note, Upper Maescoed

Place name:

St Margarets


1732 and 1785


D.1583.3.1,2 : Lease for lives, June 24, 1732.

(1) Rt Hon William, Lord Abergavenny

(2) John Waters of par St Margarett’s, gent

A house, gardens, orchards and 6 acres of land on Upper Mescoed in the possession of (2).

For lives of Johan aged 52 years wife of (2), Samuel aged 21 years and George aged 12 years, sons of (2).

Rent £3/-/6d for the first year and 10/6d pa after that, with 5/- as a heriot and with suit of court.

Witnesses: John Day junior and Robert Mathew.

Memo on dorse that livery of seisin was made on 7 Feb 1732-33 by Job Gilbert to (2). Witnesses John Lloyd, Thomas Howells and James Gilbert.

D.1583.3.3 : Note (originally with 3.1,2)

By L Osbourne, re a lease to George Walters [sic] dec’d, and now his son John, re lands in par St Margarett’s.  Refers to John Waters [sic] aged 38, Elizabeth his wife aged 38 and Samuel Waters ‘the only surviving life named in the old lease’ (1785).

By W Marsh, re leasehold lands in the possession of John Walters in par St Margarett’s.  Refers to John aged 40?, his wife aged 40, and his son John aged 4.



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Ref: nw_stm_1018