Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for David Watkins, yeoman of Faier Oake

Place name:

St Margarets




1. Will: dated 16 March 1831
Beneficiaries: To his two daughters, Ann Watkins, living at Faier Oake and Hannah Watkins of the Brooks, Clodock all his freehold estate called Faier Oake to be shared equally between them 'together with all stone, timber and all other… profits arising there from'.
Ann Watkins and her husband James Watkins to pay his funeral expenses and £5 to the poor of the St Margarets within a month of his death from the profits of the estate.

Executors: his sons in law, James Watkins of Faire Oake and David Watkins of The Brooks, Clodock.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: John Gwillim of the
Wayne , James Saunders of Gworlodith and Joseph Saunders of the same.

Date of Probate:
28 November 1831

2. Inventory:
dated 13 June 1831 value £26 15 36

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_mar_0684