Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Harry John Harry, yeoman

Place name:

St Margarets




1. Will dated 20 May 1698 .
Beneficiaries: To eldest son, James all his real estate houses, buildings lands etc.on condition he pay off all debts and moneys due within one year of the testator's decease. In addition son, James is to permit Elizabeth, the testator's wife, 'to enjoy all and singular in her jointure….for the tearme [term] of her naturall life'. In addition he is to provide his younger brother, Samuell, an annuity of 50/- or 'a competent maintenance' for life after the death of
Elizabeth .
To wife, Elizabeth, the use of all his good, household stuff, cattle and personal estate for her lifetime thereafter to two friends, Henry Rogers of Clifford and Mr Thomas Sparper[?] of St Margarets who are to divide these items amongst the testator's younger children.

Executrix: wife, Elizabeth.

Marked by testator

Witnesses: John Price, John Price junior, Henry Rogers and it is also marked by James John Harry, the eldest son.

Date of Probate: 19 April 1699




No Inventory, will only. From the context it would seem that younger son, Samuell was handicapped in some way as he is the only younger child mentioned by name and provision made for his lifetime. Just a single sheet..

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_mar_0638