Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for James Parry of Llynon, farmer

Place name:

St Margarets




1. Will: [3 pages] dated 24 May 1790 .
Beneficiaries: To wife Mary Parry, all the messuage tenement and lands  called Llynon in the parish of St Margarets for her lifetime. Also all that tenement and lands called Little Lloyn Bhossen in Michaelchurch Escley for her lifetime provided that the life [on the lease] shall last that long [it must have been a 3 life or 99 year lease].
To son, John, the two properties on his mother's death provided he pay out the following legacies
Wife Mary is not to fell any timber growing on Llynon nor may John until the value of the timber will pay off the mortgage. The timber is only to be sold for this purpose.
To son, James Parry, 20/- p.a.
To daughter Margaret Davies, wife of William Davies 30/- p.a.
To daughter Elizabeth Taylor, wife of Nicholas Taylor, 30/- p.a. On her death 15/- is to be paid to Elizabeth daughter of Edward Prichard and the other 15/- to be paid to Rachel daughter of Ann Griffits
To Ann Winston, 30/- p.a.
To Edward Prichard's children 30/- p.a. to be equally divided between them.
These payments to be made from Little Lloyn Bhossen so long as the lease lasts.
To Mary and William daughter and son of David and Mary Probert, £10 and 20/- respectively when they each reach 21.

Executrix: wife, Mary..

Marked by testator

Witnesses: John Banfield, [?] Greenow and Mary Price

Date of Probate:
22 June 1790 .

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
21 June 1790 , value £17 15 3d. Appraisers William Jenkins and William Parry




Will inventories and coversheet; 6 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_mar_0655