Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for James Watkins, farmer of Faier Oake

Place name:

St Margarets




1. Will: [2 pages] dated 18 December 1847
Beneficiaries: To his executors all his farming stock equipment and crops and money due in trust to pay just debts funeral and testamentary expenses together with the expenses incurred by the executors. The remaining money to be invested securely with the interest going to his wife, Anne for her life time. She is to arrange to divide the capital equally between their children ( that is to say John, David, James, William, Henry, Richard, Elizabeth and Peter) in her will taking into account the following advances paid to them already: John £70, James £67, David, £25 and Richard £11.
To wife, Anne 'all that half or undivided part of my freehold estate wherein I now reside called or known by the name of Faier Oake, her heirs and assigns for ever. Also all household goods and furniture to retain what she wishes and, at her discretion, the rest to be distributed amongst those of the children that have not been before supplied.
Once the farming stock and implements have been disposed of by the executors the farm is to be let and the half yearly rents to be paid to his wife

Executors: wife, Ann Watkins and son, David Watkins of Quarelle, farmer.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: James Saunders, 'carpenter' and John Gwillim of Sunny Bank

2. Codicil dated
1 November 1745

Date of Probate:
20 July 1848

2. Inventory:
dated 22 February 1848 value £412 15 6d. Appraisers John Gwillim and William Watkins




Unusual to find an inventory this late in the 19th century. Documents include a separate registration instruction and a coversheet; 3 sheets in all. The Inventory shows a large amount of cider and casks, over £31 worth. He also had large numbers of cattle and horses.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_mar_0683