Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for John Smith, yeoman

Place name:

St Margarets




1. Will: [2 pages] dated 15 May 1788
Beneficiaries: To second son, Thomas, ' all that my freehold estate lying…..in the parish of Glascombe, co Radnor known by the name Newl y Kelin' and his heirs. If he dies without issue then the estate passes to sons Richard and William and their heirs.[ at this point the fold in the original prevents the next line to be read but the sense seems to be] Thomas is to give his brothers 42/- a year for his lifetime i.e. one guinea each
Also to Thomas, the testator's half of the estate known as Upper Gilvach in St Margarets and his half of the estate known as Greegs Lands in Newton, on condition Thomas pays £10 to son Richard and £10 to James, the testator's godson and son of his son, William.
To sister in law Mary Waters, one half of his stock of cattle, crop of grain , grain on the ground, implements of husbandry, household stuff and chattels, 'as long as she shall remain unmarried and free from the scandal of keeping or having any unlawful familiarity with any man'. Should she marry or scandalously co-habit with any man then the crops catlle and goods go to Thomas. The other half to go to Thomas in any case.
Executors are ordered to pay the interest on the mortgage 'on the premises whereof the moity is [blot probably 'held'] by devised [the remainder of the sentence unreadable].
To eldest son, John, 1/-.

Executors: Thomas Smith & Mary Waters.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: Thomas Williams, Ann Phlips and Thomas Price.

Date of Probate: 25 May 1792.

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
14 April 1790 , value £42 5 0d. Appraisers Benjamin Pritchard and Richard Williams




Documents include a coversheet; 5 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_mar_0680