Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Philip Seabourne, yeoman

Place name:

St Margarets




1. Will: [2pages] dated 19 May 1836
Beneficiaries: To his daughter Margaret, wife of John Lloyd, 'now residing with me. All those two messuages and tenements …being in the parish of St Margarets…in my occupation ….known by the name Getheus and Newfield . for twelve months next after my decease'. At the end of twelve months they are to be passed on to his eldest son, John Seabourne. who is to be responsible for his funeral expenses and for paying the legacies listed below. Margaret and her husband are to have all household goods, and furniture, stock, crops, implements of husbandry and all other personal estate.
Legacies to be paid out by John were: To his 8 other children, Thomas, James, William, Richard, Matthew, Samuel Anne and Elizabeth, £10 each.
And £1 to each of his grandchildren, sons and daughters of his daughter Mary [no names or number given].

Executor: his son in law, John Lloyd, blacksmith

Marked by testator

Witnesses: John Powell of Newhouse, John Price and John Haynes

Date of Probate:
20 October 1836

2. Inventory:
none but an affidavit dated 20 October 1836 and signed by John Lloyd states that the assets were under £100.




Documents include an affidavit and a coversheet; 4 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_mar_0685