Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Thomas Eustance, carpenter

Place name:

St Margarets




Will: [2 pages] dated 6 February 1724 .
Beneficiaries: To wife, Jane, the lease on his house and land held from Lord Abergavenny for the lives of himself, his wife and his sons, provided she remains unmarried. When she dies or re-marries then the lease to go to son Rowland until son Thomas pays him £10 whereupon Thomas takes over the lease for the remainder of the term.
To Rowland, the ten pounds left to the testator by his uncle, Edward Prosser's will payable on his aunt,
Elizabeth 's death. The Prossers came from Peterchurch.
Wife, Jane, to be residual legatee.

Executrix: wife, Jane Eustance.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: Howard Griffitts, James Morice and Thomas Jenings.

Date of Probate:
26 February 1725

2. Inventory [plus copy] dated
8 June 1725 , value £4 15 6d. Appraisers Thomas Jenings and Edward Lewis.




Documents include a coversheet; 5 sheets in all.
The Will contains a great deal of legalese and repetition regarding the lease. Really it is quite straight forward.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_mar_0646