Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for William Phillips of Fair Oake

Place name:

St Margarets




1. Will: dated 11 May 1728 .
Beneficiaries: All debts and funeral expenses are to be settled.
To Fiebee [Phoebe], his wife, 20/-.
To son in law, John Pye, 5/-
To daughter 'Anpye'[Ann Pye] 20/- per year for 5 years, 'if she so long live'.
To 'my wifes grandson, Thomas 'Woddous', son of William 'Woodhoush', £5 when he attains 'the age of five and twenty years'
To granddaughter, Joan Phillips, 'all that messuage …called Pryars wood [Priorswood] which I purchased of Michall Horshman lying in the parish of St Wainyards [?St Weonards] county Heryford…when she attains the age of one and twenty years…' with the proviso ' that if she shall be stoborn and undutiful to her parents and contract maredgy [marriage] without thyre consent undervallowing her Fortune …her father and mother John and Mary Phillips…shall take the rents and profits of this demise…'
Residual legatee, only son, John Phillips,

Executor: son, John Phillips.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: Magdalen Parry, Walter Marsh and James Prosser.

Date of Probate:
15 December 1730 .

2.Inventory: [plus copy] dated
3 August 1730 , value £11 12 6d. Appraisers Walter Marsh and Walter Williams.




The hand writing of this will is clear but the spelling is very idiosyncratic. It is interesting to see the testator's attempt to influence the behaviour of his granddaughter; 4 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_mar_0695