Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for William Woodhouse, husbandman and servant

Place name:

St Margarets




1. Will: dated 17 July 1738
Beneficiaries: To his brothers, John and George, and sisters Anne and Frances, 1/- each if the come to claim it.
To fellow servant, William Watkins, £6
To fellow servant Mary Powell, £3.
All the rest, residue of his personal estate and effects to his master, John Phillips 'towards defraying all charges in attending me during the time of my sickness and my funeral expenses'.
After defraying these costs any surplus to be used by John Phillips for 'such poor people with the parish of St Margarets as shall appear to be real objects of charity'.

Executor: John Phillips

Marked by testator

Witnesses: John Prosser and John Price.

Date of Probate:
1 November 1738 .

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
30 October 1738 , value £30 11 0d. Appraisers John Harper and Samuel Watkins




Documents include a coversheet; 4 sheets in all. This is an unusual will with the residual legacy being to this servant's master to repay the cost of looking after him in time of illness.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_mar_0679