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Probate Collection; Will for Thomas Pertriche of the town of Ipswich [?] dwelling within the parish of St Margarets

Place name:

St Margarets




1. Will dated 18 November 1547 'The first yere of the Reigne of oure Sovereigne lord Edward the Sixt'.

To Richard Pertriche, son, ' my house and cartilage thereunto belonging which I nowe dwell in'.
To Robert Pertriche, son, money due from the sale of father in law, Robert Bobett's house.
'Also I will that the hangings shall still remayne with my said hedd [main] house.
To sons, Richard and Robert, equally divided between them, all bedding, brass, pewter, cupboards, tables and stools and household stuff and implements.
All charges debts legacies to be deducted and paid.
To William Pertriche, brother, £10 and ' all such duties and somes of money as remayne in Marshes hands of Cales which amounteth to the some of £30 or thereabouts'.
To Robert Fyske, brother in law, £10.
To Alice Cottyll, sister's daughter, 'such money as remaynes in John Fyske's hands amounting to the some of £15'
If son, Richard dies without an heir before the age of 21 his legacy to pass to Robert
Similarly if Robert dies without an heir before 21 his legacy passes to Richard.
Son Richard is not to receive any part of his legacy until he completes his apprenticeship.
Son Robert is not to receive any part of his legacy until he is 21.
If Richard and Robert both die before they reach 21 the their legacies, less £20, are to be divided between brother, William Pertriche's Children. The £20 to be divided between sister Cottell's children.
Should either of the sons, Richard or Robert contend the conditions of the will he is to forfeit all claim to his legacy.

If Richard and /or Robert attempt to block the sale of a house made by the testator to John May they are to lose their legacy.
Whilst Ricard and Robert are under age, executors are directed to let the dwelling house at normal rates to Edmonde Leth until Richard completes his apprenticeship.
'Also I will that yf this my present testament and last wyll be not made and written in due forme correspondent unto the law that then I will that yt be reformed by thadvise of Mr Valenten William Partriche my brother and Robert Fyske my brother in law.'
Residual legatees, the executors.

Executors: Richard, son, William Pertriche,brother and Robert Fyske, brother in law . 'Praying Mr Vallentyne to be supervisor of this my present testament and last will giving him for his paynes and labour taking thereabouts fortie shillings.' .

No indication of either mark or signature.
Witnesses: Robert Sandler, John Geffrey, Thomas Hoodles and John Cottell with others.

Date of Probate:
28 November 1548




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
This is the oldest will discovered for the hundred of Ewyas Lacy.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_mar_0701