Held at:

Gwent Record Office


D.668.71 (bundle of loose folded sheets)


ELSG digital images & transcription


Letter about Tenancy Agreements [from Mr Delahay to his solicitor?]

Place name:

Urishay, Michaelchurch Escley, Peterchurch





Transcription of image 404


Dear Sir

Peterchurch, June 15, 1810


         Your clerk Mr Rogers came yesterday and made a copy of my will, he also broght the agreements between me and my tenants which could not be completed as your last letter was delayed at the Oak. Therefore could not inform my tenants of the day your clerk was to come over in order for them to give him the meeting. I find Mr Jacob Holland have promised to let me have the money by the time I did mention. I certainly did not interfere, but as I informed you before a gentleman of the name of Rogers came to my house and informed me that the Oak Timber which I sold to Mr Jacob Holland he had turned over to him and his company and that they should pay me all the money which was due. Provided Mr Holland’s property was sufficient for double the sum due to me, this I must say that a man so far advanced in years and so infirm as Mr Holland cannot be deemed so proper a person to transact business as three much younger men and at his time of life there is a hazard of his droping off before the appointed times for the payment of the money. However i do not deserve to prevent Mr Holland from any advantage he may have with these men in his bargainwith them. I and my sister gave your clerk instructions for you to make another will for my sister and brought down her old will which was made by Mr Downes some years since in order to mention to your clerk the particulars in it which she did approve to have in the former will and by some meants mislaid it or whether my brothers son John found it dropt out of my pocket and pickd it up as he was in the house in that will she had left all her property to me only a sum of money yearly to my brother’s daughter for her life and other legacys her intention is to leave it in the same way as I did, But I believe I did not mention that it tis her desire that it should be first left to me and afterwards to Mr Morgan Reese and his family. I apprehend the old will is not any consequence after the new will is made therefore desire new will get it finished as soon as convenient. I am dear sir your obliged humble servant.


ELSG image accession ref. cwmbran1 – 404



Transcription details are based on the work of Dewi Bowen Williams, see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/Michaelchurch-Escley-and-Peterchurch/Manorial-Court-Records-for-the-Manors-of-Clothy-Hopkin-Urishay-Trenant-amp-Wellbrook/1466-1833/tg_mic_0127


For zoomable images see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/docs/rs_ewy_0060_8.pdf


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