Held at:

Herefordshire Record Office


AW28/41/2-3, 5, 7-8, AW28/42/1-4, 6-12




Papers relating to Lower House Farm , Walterstone

Place name:



1664 - 1858


AW28/41/2. Deed Poll, 10 December 1664
Of William Powell of Walterstone, Yeoman in which he gives for natural love and affection to Thomas Powell, his son: the messuage and lands anciently belonging in Walterstone which I lately had from Howel Thomas Powell, deceased and which was previously in the tenure of Richard Howell and Catherine his wife.

AW28/41/3. Marriage Settlement, 28 March 1666
(1) William Powell of Walterstone, Yeoman and Thomas Powell his heir apparent
(2) John Gwillim of Llangarran, Yeoman and Richard Gwillim his son and heir apparent and John Williams of Penblaith in Llangarren, gent
The marriage being intended between Thomas Powell and Margaret, daughter of John Gwillim. £100 marriage portion.
Messuage with appurtenances where William Powell now dwells with all lands belonging, in Walterstone. Formerly the lands of Howell Powell Hawkins, deceased, father of William Powell. To (2) in trust for the marriage
Lands specified and described to include a parcel called the Mote 12 acres.

AW28/41/5. Mortgage, 19/20 March 1699
(1) Thomas Powell the elder of Walterstone, Yeoman, Thomas his son and heir app and Elizabeth his wife of Llangattocke vibon Avell co Mon
(2) Sarah Tyler of Tretire and Michaell Church, widow, executrix of her husband Thomas Tyler the elder of Tretire, deceased
(3) William Edwards the elder of Tretire, Clerk and William the younger of Whitfield, gent, his son
Recites the will of Thomas Tyler of Tretire.
Now £200 paid to Thomas Powell the younger by (2) on security of the messuage in Walterstone where Thomas Powell did dwell, now in possession of Phillip Griffitts. Thomas Powell the elder to receive £8 a year rent for life of one moiety. Other moiety to use of (2).
Lease and Release. Bond enclosed.

AW28/41/7. Further mortgage and assignment, 24 June 1702
(1) Thomas Powell the elder of Walterstone, yeoman, Thomas the younger of Langattocke Vibon Avell, yeoman and Elizabeth his wife
(2) Thomas Illes of Tretire and Michaell Church gent and Sarah his wife (formerly Tyler)
(3) William Edwards the elder of Tretire and William Edwards the younger of Whitfield gent his son
Recites mortgage of 20 March 1699.
£100 more loaned to Thomas Powell the younger. £300 in all.
Mortgage assigned to (3).

AW28/41/8. Feofment, 22 November 1707
(1) Thomas Powell the elder of Walterstone, yeoman and Thomas the younger of Lanfethering, co Mon yeoman his son and heir apparent and Elizabeth his wife
(2) Bennett Delahay of Allterynnis, gent
Recites the above mortgage.
Now for £430, subject to an annuity of £5 to be paid to Thomas Powell the elder in the church porch of Walterstone.

AW28/42/1. Assignment of mortgage, 19 December 1718
(1) William Edwards of Whitfield, gent son of William Edwards clerke late of Tretire, deceased
(2) Thomas Tyler of Tretire, son and heir of Thomas Tyler, Thomas Powell of Llanfethering, yeoman son and heir of Thomas Powell of Walterstone and Elizabeth his wife and Stephen Powell his son and heir app and Thomas Illes of Tretire, gent and Sarah his wife
(3) Bennett Delahay of Monmouth, gent
(4) James Earl of Carnarvon
(5) Henry Brydges DD his brother, and Humphrey Walcot of Mddsx
Recites Lease and Release of 19 March 1699.
Now: Agreement having been made for (4) to purchase the farm for £450, £300 is paid in order to redeem the mortgage.

AW28/42/2. Release in Fee, 19/20 December 1718
(1) Bennett Delahay of Monmouth and Katherine his wife
(2) Thomas Powell of Llanfethering, yeoman and Elizabeth his wife and Stephen their son
(3) James Earl of Carnarvon
For £450.
Messuage where William Powell formerly dwelt and John Powell now dwells with lands belonging and 12 acres of land called the Mote etc.
Final Concord enclosed.

AW28/42/3. Collateral Security, 12 March 1722
The above property is one of several used as security for £2000 in trust until sons of (1) above are of age.

AW28/42/4. Reconveyance as above, 15 February 1723

AW28/42/6. Abstract of Title, Powell Farm, 1664-1718

[This abstract relates to the documents here summarised dating between 1664-1718.]

AW28/42/6b. Copied extract from settlement, 15 March 1732
(1) Thomas Prichard of Clodock, Rev Richard Reece senior, Vicar of Clodock and Rev Richard Reece junior
(2) Edmund Thomas of Michael Church Escley esq, Thomas Carpenter of Tillington, gent and Rev James Clerk of How Caple
(3) Bennett Delahay, Catherine his wife and Elizabeth their daughter
For the marriage arranged between Rev Richard Reece junior and Elizabeth Delahay, the following premises conveyed to (2) in Trust for their marriage.
Their leasehold messuages and lands held by two leases: 21 December 1718 between James Earl of Carnarvon and Bennett Delahay of Monmouth, gent and 1 November 1717 between the same.
For the use of Bennett Delahay and his wife for their lives.
Copy made 12 January 1737.

AW/28/42/7. Renewal of Lease with New Life, 10 May, 1774
(1) President and Governors of Guys Hospital
(2) James Lane of Hereford, gent

Recites lease dated 4 February 1771 made by (1) to James Clerk late of How Caple, clerk, for the lives of James Clerk, Ann Lane aged 14 daughter of (2) and James Lane aged 13 son of (2).
Now: James Clerk having died and bequeathed the lease to (2) and his wife Elizabeth, the lease is surrendered and renewed with the addition of Theophilus Lane aged 10 years as the new life.
Fine: £20 for the new life. Rent: £10 per an.
Farm in Walterstone, land called the Mote 12a, 3 closes of land called Cay yr Graban 8a, Cay yr Combe 8a, Coyd yr Vellen 10a etc.

AW28/42/8. Renewal of Lease with New Life, 8 June 1814
(1) President and Governors of Guys Hospital
(2) Aaron Rogers of Pilleth co Radnor, gent

Lease as above for lives of Ann Lane aged 54, Theophilus Lane aged 50 and now Thomas Rogers aged 3.

AW28/42/9, 9A. Renewal of Lease, 25 January 1815
As above with addition of David Rogers aged 7 in place of Theophilus Lane deceased.
And draft copy.

AW28/42/10. Surrender, 12 January 1828
To Guys Hospital of the above lease by Aaron and John Rogers.

AW28/42/11. Renewal of Lease with New Life, 1 February 1828
(1) President and Governors of Guys Hospital
(2) Aaron Rogers of Pilleth co Radnor gent
Lease carries condition of perpetual renewal for lives at the rate of £20 within the year for dropping of one life, £60 for 2 and £100 for 3 lives.
Now: Aaron Rogers the father being dead and Ann Lane later Ann Griffiths being dead, the lease is renewed on payment of £20 fine and addition of Joseph Rogers aged 7 another son of Aaron Rogers, deceased, as third life.
Lease of two messuages called Lower House and Common. Rent £10.

AW28/42/12. Survey and Valuation, July 1858
Lower House Farm Walterstone.
Held under lease for lives by Aaron Rogers, esq. Made for purpose of fixing terms for enfranchisement.
Richard Williams in occupation.
Schedule of fields gives usage, acreage, valuation and remarks.
Newly built farm house, old house now two labourers cottages.
Map of farm.
Detailed valuation of timber trees.


Lower House Farm has since been named Grove Farm.

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