Held at:

National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection, Papers of John Rogers, farmer

Place name:





1. Will dated 22 July 1830
Beneficiaries: To his beloved wife Elizabeth and his two daughters, Meliorah and Matildah , all the messuages and lands called Lower Lion '…together with the cottages and Malt House there…' in Talgarth , Brecon, left by his mother-in-law, Joan Hopkins, to him and to his wife. To his two daughters, £300 each out of the property in Talgarth . The residue of the property to be divided equally between all his children. To his son John, £100. As for his son Robert and daughter Elizabeth Davis '…they have already received their shares in my lifetime…' To son Thomas, £244. To daughter Sarah, £300. To daughter Catherine, £300. To his son William '…all that Estate in Olchon called new Land…' in Llanveynoe . Executors: Wife Elizabeth and sons John and Robert.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: John Rogers of Longtown, Thomas Morgan of Talgarth , John Rogers of Longtown

Will registered
4 December 1830

2. Inventory: dated
16 September 1830 , value £789.12.0, plus rent and money due, £45.12.6. Appraisers: Jas Hoddell , Joseph Prosser




Number of documents: 4, including 2 pages of Will. A John Rogers was listed in the Land Tax register of 1810, and a William Rogers by 1834

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