Held at:

National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection, Papers of William Price, husbandman

Place name:





1. Will undated
Beneficiaries: To his daughter Elizabeth Price his dwelling house and all the land in his possession, '...as well as the Land lately Inclosed …' All his household 'stuff' to his five daughters Elizabeth, Margaret, Mary, Anne and Joan, equally divided between them. He requires Elizabeth to pay one pound to each of his daughters within one year after his decease provided he '…depart this Life…' within six months after the date hereof, but if he lives more than six months then it should only be 10/- apiece. To his son William Price, 1/- '…if he shall demand the same…' He gives to his daughter Elizabeth the above legacy on condition that '…she shall Continue with and take Care of me during my present sickness and disorder…' To his daughter Anne a further 9/-.

His daughter Elizabeth to be the executrix.

Mark of testator

Witnesses: Peter How the elder, David Williams, Tho : Gwillim the elder

Will registered
18 February 1757

2.Inventory: [plus copy] dated
9 February 1757 . Value £6.15.0. Appraisers: David Williams, Tho : Gwillims




Number of documents: 5. Though short, the inventory is of interest as it names the rooms in the cottage. For example '…In the Two little rooms on the right hand the House doore a Chies ring and other Goods, 5/-…In the upper Room 2 Chaff Beds and other Goods, 15/-…'

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_wal_0126