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Original document


Transcription: Will of John Price of Walterstone

Place name:



1810, 1817


Probate copy of will of John Price Yeoman of Walterstone, Herefordshire.  [Copy  of PROB PCC will 11/1592/192 Effingham, Quires 227-282.]

Transcription by Arthur Price, reproduced with his kind permission.

[On cover]
Probate of the will of John Price deceased.  Extracted by Slade Bedford & Slades. Proctors, Doctors Commons.  Dated 10th May 1817.

This is the last Will and Testament  of me John Price of the parish of Walterstone in the county of Hereford Yeoman first I desire that all my just debts funeral expenses and the charges of proving this my will be paid out of my personal estate by my executor and executrix after named and I do hereby charge the same and every part thereof with the payment therewith I give and bequeath unto my friend Thomas Jennings of the parish of Rollstone in the county of Hereford Gentleman  all money due to me by bonds notes of hands or otherwise together with all goods and chattels unto the said Thomas Jennings and his heirs In trust to and for the several uses intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned that is to say Upon this special Trust and Confidence that he the said Thomas Jennings and his heirs do and shall permit and suffer Elizabeth Price my wife to have hold and enjoy my said bonds notes of hands or otherwise together with the goods and chattels and to receive and take the profits thereof and of every part thereof for and during her natural life and immediately from and after her decease I do hereby order and direct my said trustee to appraise value and sell the said goods and chattels which my said beloved wife the said Elizabeth Price shall be posses at her decease and the money arising of and from such sale together with the bonds and notes of hands or otherwise due at her decease I do hereby give and bequeath the same unto my sons and daughter in the following manner that is to say I give and bequeath into my son John Price of the Town of Abergavenny in the county of Monmouth Druggist the sum of fifty pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain and Ireland current in England Also I give and bequeath unto Thomas Jennings of the said parish of Rollstone in the said county of Hereford Gentleman the sum of two hundred pounds of the like lawful money  to hold the said sum of Two hundred pounds unto the said Thomas Jennings and his heirs In the further Trust to and for the several uses Intents and purposes herein after mentioned that is to say upon this special Trust and Confidence  that he the said Thomas Jennings and his heirs do and shall do from time to times and at all times permit and suffer William Price my son to take and receive the interest of the said sum of Two hundred pounds so bequeathed to the said Thomas Jennings the said Trustee as aforesaid yearly and every year during the natural life of my said son the said William Price Also I give and bequeath unto my son James Price the sum of Two hundred pounds of the like lawful money Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Price the sum of fifty pounds of the like lawful money and to be paid to them in twelve months next after the decease of my said beloved wife the said Elizabeth Price provided always and my will and meaning is that if in case any of my said children William Price James Price and Elizabeth Price should happen to die leaving no issue behind then in such case my will and meaning is that the sum of two hundred pounds so given unto the aforesaid Thomas Jennings the said Trustee as aforesaid for the use of my said son the said William Price and his issue and the like sum of two hundred pounds so given as aforesaid unto my son the said James Price and the sum of fifty pounds so given as aforesaid unto my said daughter the said Elizabeth Price I give and bequeath such share or shares of such person or persons so dying unto such of my said children or issue then living of William Price James Price and Elizabeth Price between them share and share alike But my will and meaning is that my said Trustee be at no expense in acting as Trustee but shall expouce that he shall or may be at in the execution of the said Trust be paid out of my said personal estate As to the rest and residue of all my said Goods Chattels Cattel and personal estate be the same of what sort or kind soever the same may be  and whose Custody power or possession the same may be within the Kingdom of Great Britain I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my said son the said James Price And lastly I do hereby constitute and nominate and appoint my said son and daughter the said James Price and Elizabeth Price Joint Executor and Executrix  of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former and other will and wills by me heretofore made IN witness whereof I the said John Price have to this my will containing  two sheets of paper to the first set my hand and to this the second and last sheet hereof my hand and seal the twelfth day of April in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and ten.    
John (seal) Price   

Signed sealed published and declared by the Testator John Price in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto.   The mark
( ) of Margaret Thomas of Walterstone.   Jno. Gilbert Rollstone.

Extracted by Slade Bedford & Slades. Proctors, Doctors Commons.



This is part of a wider collection of Price family records.


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Ref: nw_wal_1250