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Original photographs


Digital Archive: Hillaby Collection Photographs of Craswall Priory ruins

Place name:



July 2014


Photographs of the site of Craswall Priory with description of the features by members of the Craswall Grandmontine Society in July 2014.


Church from South West to East

From North West Cloister to Chapter House

South and West Cloister

Chapter House South West window and step

North and West Cloister



Church - Travertine of South Apse window

Church North Wall Aumbry Reveal and entry to North Chapel

South Chapel aumbry reveal and door looking to church

Church piscinae from above

Church South wall altar, credence etc to door to South Chapel

Apse North and Central windows

Piscinae from in front


South Chapel piscina and reveal

South Chapel aumbry & reveal

South Chapel apse

Chapter House East windows

Chapter house East windows from outside; also entrance and stairs

Chapter House North West window from above

Chapter House entrance, South West window & steps

Vaulting shaft between North and Central windows

Vaulting shaft between Central and South windows

Chapter House North East window

Chapter House East Central window

Chapter House South East window

Base of cloister arcading

East Cloister walk

Cloister South and West

Church showing original facade of North wall

Ministry of Works site hut, used by conservators

North  chapel piscina & doorway

North chapel North wall

Doorway from Warming Room


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Descriptions from CGS filenames on the original photographs

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Ref: rs_cra_0206