Held at:

Worcestershire County Council [HWCC Archaeology Service]




Original publication


The Marches Upland Survey: An Assessment of the Archaeology of the Western Uplands of Herefordshire and Shropshire

Place name:

Ewyas Lacy, Craswall, Llanveynoe


1991 - 1999


Guest Contribution: Introduction

This archaeological survey report is reproduced with the kind permission of Worcestershire County Council Historic Environment and Archaeology Service to whom we are most grateful. The full report can be downloaded as a pdf file by clicking the link on the title page below.

Ewyas Lacy Study Group



Report Summary:

The Marches Upland Survey is a management-led assessment of the archaeology of the western uplands of Herefordshire and Shropshire. A range of extensive survey techniques were used to investigate the nature and potential of archaeological sites in the survey area, comparing the results with what was already recorded in the counties’ SMRs.

The primary aim of the marches Upland Survey was to improve the management of archaeological sites and landscapes inn the western uplands of Herefordshire and Shropshire through improved understanding of existing records and their relationship with field remains. This was amplified by a series of objectives, set out in the project research design [Dinn (ed) 1991]. With the completion of this report the survey has achieved its objectives, providing a greatly enhanced platform on which the respective archaeological curators can base the management and protection of archaeological landscapes and monuments in the uplands.

The survey addresses the geology of the area as well as examining archaeology by period, including Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman, Medieval, Post-Medieval and Modern sites of interest. Maps, tables and illustrations are included in the report. Geographic coverage encompasses part of Ewyas Lacy, primarily in the parishes of Craswall and Llanveynoe, the Black Hill and the Black Mountains.



Some landscape photographs in the appendices are of very poor quality in the original digital version of the report, and have become illegible as a result of file compression in the website version. As they do not pertain to Ewyas Lacy we have not sought to remedy this.


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