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Ewyas Lacy Court Rolls Volume 1, Introduction and Indexes (1729 to 1858)
...Baron. Initially the courts were held at Longtown Castle with adjournment to the nearby New...
Copyhold Grant to John Sherburn (1781)
...1781 Description: At a Court held at Longtown Castle on the 8 th February 1781...
Copyhold Grant to Arnold George (1750)
...1750 Description: At a Court held at Longtown Castle on the 23 rd April 1750...
A Brief History of Ewyas Lacy (620 - 1922)
...term fortifications [8] , followed c1216-23 by Longtown Castle with a stone keep presiding over... documentary evidence of an attack on Longtown Castle, but it is known to have...
...been a building in the bailey of Longtown castle, described in 1692 as an aunchint...
...Hereford Archaeology Unit [14] Ellis, Peter (1977), Longtown Castle: A Report on Excavations by J...
Digital Archive [INDEX]: Photographs of Wills and Probate Records for the Township of Longtown (1543 – 1858)
Document reference: rs_lon_0185
...Leominster History Study Group Remfrey, Paul (1996). Longtown Castle 1048 to 1241. SCS Press, Malvern...
Entries relating to Ewyas Lacy parishes in the Woolhope Transactions (1930-2009) 1865 close to the keep at Longtown Castle   Llanveynoe 187 A reference in...
...Longtown 127 Brief article in Archaeology on Longtown Castle         1959 St...
...the Past by MU Jones BA to Longtown Castle and Pont-Hendre mound      ...
...    1961 Longtown 4 Reference to Longtown Castle and the new route to the... F Noble includes several references to Longtown castle   Craswall 76 An extensive article...
...[7 more matches...]...
Archaeological Survey: evaluation of Greyhound Farm, Glyneath House and the environs of Longtown (2001)
...including Clodock Church, Llanthony Priory, Pont Hendre, Longtown Castle and Craswall Priory.   The full...
A history of Walter II de Lacy (1189 - 1241)
Document reference: rs_ewy_0225
Archaeological Assessment of Longtown [Central Marches Historic Towns Survey] (1992-1996)
...Hendre c 1km to the southeast of Longtown Castle. Pont Hendre guarded the crossing of... the castle and borough at times. Longtown castle is referred to as Novi Castelli...
...141-158 Moore, L P, 1972 Note on Longtown Castle, Herefordshire Archaeol Newsletter , 26 ,...