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Digital Archive Index: Stewards’ Records of Leases and Copyholds in Ewyas Lacy (1660 - 1920)
...grants and rents in addition to the Court rolls. Stewards records for the Manor of...
...leases c.1920   A summary of all Manorial Records can be found here . Observations:... found in the Digital Archives of Manorial Surveys and of Manorial Court Records  ...
Manor of Jenkin Prichard/Manor of Newton rent book (1700s)
...names relating to landholdings listed in the Manorial Survey for John Jeffreys in 1705. A...
Guest Contribution: Manorial Customs in the County of Hereford (1900)
...customary estates, and in one instance the court rolls show that the bailiff seized two...
...could not be discovered.     At a Court Leet held for the manor of Clifford...
Fine of Court, an interesting example from Ewyas Lacy (1829)
...sought to associate the authority of the Court Baron, which they suggested was based upon...
...Expired Copyhold leases [8] .   The Court Baron of what came to be known...
...founding of the Castle of Longtown. The Court Baron had authority over the customary lands...
...possible that the original manor of the Court Baron was that of the Manor of... which Church tithes were due. The Court Baron of this Manor was most probably...
...[4 more matches...]...
Various Deeds and Documents (1389 - 1907)
...the sum with interest. At the next Court Baron for Ewyas Lacy, Delahay is to...
Digital Archive: Manor of Ewyas Lacy Court Rolls (1663 to 1665, and 1668)
...Title: Digital Archive: Manor of Ewyas Lacy Court Rolls Place name: Ewyas Lacy Date: 1663...
...made in the late seventeenth century of court rolls recording proceedings in the court for...
Manorial Records in Ewyas Lacy (1566 - 1920)
...  Title: Manorial Records in Ewyas Lacy Date: 1566 -...
...kinds. These are collectively referred to as Manorial Records in this article and include all...
...achieving this was by means of formal Manorial Surveys carried out by jurors empanelled by...
...1711 Survey of all tenures DI 1711 Court Baron all tenures [rental summary] DI 1729-1858...
...[2 more matches...]...
Selected Kentchurch Court papers relating to Llancillo and Rowlestone (13th to 19th century)
...and Rowlstom), including draft proceedings of the court baron of Thomas Scudamore, esq., afterwards of...
...the court of view of frankpledge and court baron of Philip Scudamore, gent., Richard Scudamore,...
Research Paper: The Poor Law in Longtown (1820 - 1840)
...with a similar duty of the manorial Court Leet which had originated in medieval times,...
Manorial Court Records for the Manors of Clothy Hopkin, Urishay, Trenant & Wellbrook (1466-1833)
...  They recite, in particular, minutes of Court Baron, Court Leet and Frankpledge meetings dating...
...  At a court of Survey and Court Baron of [blank] held for the said...
...the inspection and examination of the ancient court rolls and other evidences belonging to the...
...rents duties services or other profits, books, court rolls or other writings belonging to the...
...[73 more matches...]...