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Probate Collection; Will and documents for John Powell, yeoman (1667)
...BR/1667/27 Source: Photocopy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; Will and documents for John Powell,... Craswall Date: 1667 Description: Documents: 1. Will dated 31 December 166 [missing last digit]...
...John Powell' [but no actual signature]. Witnesses: William Miles and Lewis Powell Date of Probate:...
...[4 more matches...]...
Probate Collection; Will and documents for Thomas Seaborne, farmer (1842)
...BR/1842/54 Source: Photocopy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; Will and documents for Thomas Seaborne,...
...Escley Date: 1842 Description: Documents : 1. Will [2 pages] dated 6 March 1838 A... cut him of the Property' Executors: William Davis and Robert Signed by testator. Witnesses:...
...Samuel Davies and Samuel Seaborne. Date of probate: 4 October 1842 .     Observations:...
...[1 more match...]...
Probate Collection; nuncupative will and documents for William Brood, bachelor (1670)
...BR/1670/181 Source: Photocopy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; nuncupative will and documents for William...
...Escley Date: 1670 Description: Documents: 1. Nuncupative will dated 19 December 1670 . Beneficiaries: His...
...His brother, Rees Brood; his kinswoman, Elizabeth Williams, spinster. Also Elinor Williams, spinster, Sarah Williams...
...[8 more matches...]...
Probate Collection; Will and documents for William Rogers, yeoman (1739)
...BR/1739/20 Source: Photocopy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; Will and documents for William Rogers,... Craswall Date: 1739 Description: Documents: 1. Will dated 6 July 1739 Beneficiaries: His land,...
...Elizabeth Waters and Daniell Jones. Date of Probate: 22 March 1739/40 . 2. Inventory: dated,...
...[3 more matches...]...
Probate Collection; will and documents for Catherine Davis, widow (1743)
...BR/1743/110 Source: Photocopy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; will and documents for Catherine Davis,...
...Michaelchurch Escley Date: 1743 Description: Documents: 1. Will dated 1 August 1743 . Beneficiaries: To...
...Philip Jones. Marked by the testator. Witnesses: William Morgan, Richard Greenow and Sara Smith. Date...
...Richard Greenow and Sara Smith. Date of Probate: 11 August 1743.[the end sheet shows the...
...[4 more matches...]...
Probate Collection; Bond and documents for Zacharie Gilbert (1674)
...BR/1674/17 Source: Photocopy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; Bond and documents for Zacharie Gilbert... Clodock Date: 1674 Description: Documents: 1. Bond dated 22 June 1674 Bounden: William Gilbert,..., in the sum of £1000 2. Inventory: un dated, value £190. Appriasers not listed...
...[5 more matches...]...
Probate Collection; Will and documents for Thomas Thomas, blacksmith (1719)
...BR/1719/103 Source: Photocopy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; Will and documents for Thomas Thomas,...
...Escley Date: 1719 Description: Documents : 1. Will dated 17 March 1718 . Beneficiaries: To..., James Thomas Marked by testator Witnesses: William Lewis, Mary Price and John Price. Date...
...Mary Price and John Price. Date of probate: 3 June 1719 . 2. Inventory: [plus...
...[3 more matches...]...
Probate Collection; Bond and documents for Henry Morgan (1758)
...BR/1758/20 Source: Photocopy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; Bond and documents for Henry Morgan... Craswall Date: 1758 Description: Documents: 1. Bond dated 17 July 1758 Bounden: Henry Morgan... the administrator of the estate. 2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated 14 July 1758, value...
...testator was a shop keeper as his inventory has an unusually large number of some...
Probate Collection; Bond and documents for Phillip Price, clerk (1787)
...BR/1787/8 Source: Photocopy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; Bond and documents for Phillip Price,... Clodock Date: 1787 Description: Documents: 1. Bond dated 15 February 1787 . Bounden: Phillip...
...the sum of £800.     2. Inventory: [2pages] dated 14 February 1787 , value...
...son was also the Rev. Phillip Price. Bond, inventory and coversheet; 4 sheets in all....
...[1 more match...]...
Probate Collection; Will and documents for Henry Jenkins, husbandman (1724)
...BR/1724/19 Source: Photocopy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; Will and documents for Henry Jenkins,... Craswall Date: 1724 Description: Documents: 1. Will none. Died intestate. Date of Probate: 4...
...[3 more matches...]...