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Probate Collection; Will and documents for Mauld Hopkyn , wife of Hopkyn Howell, widow (1637)
...BR/1637/253 Source: Photocopy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; Will and documents for Mauld Hopkyn... Craswall Date: 1637 Description: Documents: 1. Will dated 26 February 1636 . Beneficiaries: To...
...from Thomas Powell of Michaelchurch Escley by bond. Also to John Lewis, £7 due by...
...[6 more matches...]...
Probate Collection; Will and documents for Jain verch Howell (1621)
...BR/1621/70 Source: Photocopy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; Will and documents for Jain verch... Craswall Date: 1621 Description: Documents: 1 Will dated 2 May 1621 Request she be...
...£10, due from Rees Phe Parry by bond 'for the sum of £20 for payment...
...[Alice] , base daughter of David Thomas William. £10 and no more, to be paid...
...[19 more matches...]...
Probate Collection; Will and documents for John Rogers (1641)
...BR/1641/180 Source: Photocopy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; Will and documents for John Rogers... Craswall Date: 1641 Description: Documents: 1. Will dated 16 April 1641 . Beneficiaries: Th...
...divided between the survivors. To godson, John Williams, 5/-. To daughters, Anne, Sibill and Margaret...
...happen to die w th out any will or testament that then the portion of...
...[9 more matches...]...
Probate Collection; nuncupative Will for William Jenkins, 'batchelor' (1656)
...Source: Digital copy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; nuncupative Will for William Jenkins, 'batchelor'... Craswall Date: 1656 Description 1. nuncupative Will dated 20 September 1656 . Beneficiaries: 'I... testator. . Witnesses: Alice Prichard, James William Morgan, Thomas Edwards, Thomas Watkins, Lewis Prichard....
...[2 more matches...]...
Probate Collection; Will for Thomas Rogers , yeoman (1685)
...Source: Digital copy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; Will for Thomas Rogers , yeoman...
...Place name: Craswall Date: 1685 Description 1. Will dated 2 May 1685 'The first year...
...All the remainder of his estate to William Rogers, grandson, but Elinor Rogers, widow, William's...
...[8 more matches...]...
Probate Collection; Will for Phillipp John Lewes, yeoman (1622)
...Source: Digital Image of original copy Title: Probate Collection; Will for Phillipp John Lewes, yeoman...
...Place name: Craswall Date: 1622 Description: 1. Will dated 4 July 1622 Beneficiaries: To Ellinor...
...6 8d To Alice, niece, Wife of William Smith, £13 6 8d To Anne, niece,...
...executors towards the cost of proving the will, £10. To be divided amongst the poor...
...[5 more matches...]...
Probate Collection; Will for Thomas ap Ricket (1602)
...Source: Digital copy of original documents Title: Probate Collection; Will for Thomas ap Ricket Place...
...Place name: Craswall Date: 1602 Description 1. Will dated 28 July 1602 [probably nuncupative] Beneficiaries:...
...death. To Elizabeth, base daughter of Walter Williams, clerk, the testator's maid servant, 2 kine,...
...Prichard, one lamb. To Thomas, son of William Phe [Phillip or Phillips], my godson, 2...
...[14 more matches...]...
Probate Collection; Inventory for Watkin William Harry (1627)
...Wales Reference: BR/1627/186 Source: Original documents Title: Probate Collection; Inventory for Watkin  William Harry Place... Clodock Date: 1627 Description: Documents: 1. Will or Bond none surviving 2. Inventory: dated...
...[7 more matches...]...
ldhsarchive_inv_clo_0352 4 15 6 [Spelling modernized] [This inventory is very faded and impossible to read...
ldhsarchive_inv_clo_0459 the fur House [on the second inventory fur House ] 5 0 Ite Dry...