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...other Debts paid out of ye sd Inventory by Margaret Jones Widow of The aforesaid...
...2 6 Debt To John Jones by Bond 26 3 4 Servant wages 1 0...
...reference Inv Date Date of death Prichard, William, yeoman sh_mic_0100 BR/1710/113 20 May 1710 Item...
...and one blanket 10 0 One by Bond from Howell Jenkins of Llanveynoe 20 0...
...of Llanveynoe 20 0 0 One by bond from Arnold George of Cwmyoy 5 0...
...of barley 10 0 It. Due by bond to ye Dec d upon David Parry...
ldhsarchive_inv_mic_0040 appears on one copy of the inventory only. Item £ S d His [sic]...
...0                                                                               Total 328 5 0     Will: Harries     John Jenkins [these appraisers are...
...2 6 In money due by several bonds sperate & desperate 52 10 0 In...
...are due upon the persons undernamed by bonds Benjamin Parry of Clodock 10 0 0...
...10 0 The Charge as by the Inventory apgas[?] is £63 06 06d Item £...
...expenses about 1 0 0 It. the probate of the will about 16 0 It....
...[1 more match...]...
ldhsarchive_inv_wal_0141 old plough 1 6 Item one bond of Twenty pounds of desperate Debts in...
...[Actual total £22   13    6d] Appraisers William Roberts Sam ll Rawlings...
...both assessors were illiterate who produced the inventory?]...
...s d His wearing apparel v 6 Bond of forty seven pounds [47] [47 5...
...[47] [47 5 6] [spelling modernized] Attached Bond/obligation ??? bounden Walter Watkins & Tho: Watkins...
...discharge debts & legacies & make an inventory. Sealed & delivered in the psence of...
...Apparel 15 0 Item due by one bond from David Price the sum of 20...
...0 0 Item due from Wydowe Johan William 15 0 Item one cettle [kettle or...
...0 48 0 0 [spelling modernized] Prizors William David Thomas Robert * probably 29 Jul...
...2   0   0 Also one Bond of 20 £ Conditioned for the paym...
...  0 One assignment   of a Bond from Ann Price to the sd deceased...
...  0   0 Also Due from William Rosser of ye town of Abergavenny Joyner...
...                                              Tho : G willim                         James Price        apprizers                 ...