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Probate collection; will and documents for Thomas Prichard, gent (1738)
...creditor indicates that Thomas Prichard had a mortgage from the college; maybe he was a...
Probate Collection; Will for Elizabeth Pritchard or Prichard (1826)
...To son in law, James Hoddell all copyhold and personal property and 'securities for money...
Corn and Tuck mills: deed (1719 - 1883)
...Source: Catalogue Title: Corn and Tuck mills: deed Place name: Longtown Date: 1719 - 1883...
...1719 - 1883 Description:     Bundle of deeds relating to a house, lands and a...
Probate Collection; The will and documents for William George, yeoman (1676)
...owed by his brother John on a mortgage dated 10 July 1664, to be paid...
Account of receipts re- fines and leases Counties of Monmouth and Heref . With names of tenants and parishes (1834)
...Title: Account of receipts re- fines and leases Counties of Monmouth and Heref . With...
...includes: Of John Price for grant of copyhold lands in Crasswall £40 Of John Wiliams...
...£40 Of John Wiliams for renewal of lease on premises on Mescoed Common £75 Of...
...Of Elizabeth Waters, widow, for renewal of lease on premises on Upper Mescoed common £138...
...For rent of premises previous to granting leases thereof: Of the above Elizabeth Waters £25...
Probate Collection; Will for Thomas Jennings, tanner (1620)
...hands of Carnardums together with £110 in mortgage on Richard Thomas Powell's land; again with...
Note (1783)
...By William Jones. Review of Thomas Powell's lease   (D1583.4.81), property consisting of 1 cowshed,...
Probate Collection; Will and documents for Thomas Pitt (1830)
...To eldest son, John Pitt, all his freehold messuage etc where he dwells lying in...
...To wife, Ann the two messuages whose leases from Lord Abergavenny for lives he bought...
...lives on these two properties. Similarly the lease of the messuage purchased from John Gething... but cash poor with so many leases and a freehold estate it seems strange...
Probate collection; w ill for Ann Lewis, wife of Thomas Lewis of Castle bach (1804)
...son of niece, Ann Watkins, [under a deed dated 20 June 1781 , between testator...
...of brother, Philip Jones. And under a deed of purchase made by the testator and...
Probate Collection; Will and documents for John Nicholas, labourer (1730)
...cattle, money and the profits of the leasehold lands held from Lord Abergavenny during her...
...remarry. On her death or remarriage the lease passes to eldest son John whilst the...