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Search results for: +(deed freehold copyhold lease "lease for lives" conveyance mortgage)Page 147 of 168 As your search returned a large number of results |
Probate collection; will and documents for Thomas Prichard, gent (1738) |
...creditor indicates that Thomas Prichard had a mortgage from the college; maybe he was a... |
Probate Collection; Will for Elizabeth Pritchard or Prichard (1826) |
...To son in law, James Hoddell all copyhold and personal property and 'securities for money... |
Corn and Tuck mills: deed (1719 - 1883) |
...Source: Catalogue Title: Corn and Tuck mills: deed Place name: Longtown Date: 1719 - 1883... |
...1719 - 1883 Description: Bundle of deeds relating to a house, lands and a... |
Probate Collection; The will and documents for William George, yeoman (1676) |
...owed by his brother John on a mortgage dated 10 July 1664, to be paid... |
Account of receipts re- fines and leases Counties of Monmouth and Heref . With names of tenants and parishes (1834) |
...Title: Account of receipts re- fines and leases Counties of Monmouth and Heref . With... |
...includes: Of John Price for grant of copyhold lands in Crasswall £40 Of John Wiliams... |
...£40 Of John Wiliams for renewal of lease on premises on Mescoed Common £75 Of... |
...Of Elizabeth Waters, widow, for renewal of lease on premises on Upper Mescoed common £138... |
...For rent of premises previous to granting leases thereof: Of the above Elizabeth Waters £25... |
Probate Collection; Will for Thomas Jennings, tanner (1620) |
...hands of Carnardums together with £110 in mortgage on Richard Thomas Powell's land; again with... |
Note (1783) |
...By William Jones. Review of Thomas Powell's lease (D1583.4.81), property consisting of 1 cowshed,... |
Probate Collection; Will and documents for Thomas Pitt (1830) |
...To eldest son, John Pitt, all his freehold messuage etc where he dwells lying in... |
...To wife, Ann the two messuages whose leases from Lord Abergavenny for lives he bought... |
...lives on these two properties. Similarly the lease of the messuage purchased from John Gething... | but cash poor with so many leases and a freehold estate it seems strange... |
Probate collection; w ill for Ann Lewis, wife of Thomas Lewis of Castle bach (1804) |
...son of niece, Ann Watkins, [under a deed dated 20 June 1781 , between testator... |
...of brother, Philip Jones. And under a deed of purchase made by the testator and... |
Probate Collection; Will and documents for John Nicholas, labourer (1730) |
...cattle, money and the profits of the leasehold lands held from Lord Abergavenny during her... |
...remarry. On her death or remarriage the lease passes to eldest son John whilst the... |