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Digital Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Conveyance and Release of Mortgage (1899)
...Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Conveyance and Release of Mortgage Place name: Longtown... Longtown Date: 1899 Description: Photograph of Conveyance dated 21 st February 1899 of freehold...
...[2 more matches...]...
Digital Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Indenture of Mortgage (1814)
...Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Indenture of Mortgage Place name: Longtown Date: 1814 Description: Photograph...
...Date: 1814 Description: Photograph of Indenture of Mortgage for the sum of 40 between John...
Digital Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Conveyance (1819)
...Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Conveyance Place name: Longtown Date: 1819 Description: Photograph...
...Longtown Date: 1819 Description: Photograph of a Conveyance dated 2 nd November 1819 between John...
Digital Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Conveyance (1936)
...Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Conveyance Place name: Longtown Date: 1936 Description: Photograph...
...Longtown Date: 1936 Description: Photograph of a Conveyance of the New House and two plots...
Digital Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Conveyance (1961)
...Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Conveyance Place name: Longtown Date: 1961 Description: Photograph...
...Longtown Date: 1961 Description: Photograph of a Conveyance dated 31 st October 1961 from Wilfred...
Digital Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Lease (1819)
...Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Lease Place name: Longtown Date: 1819 Description: Photograph... Longtown Date: 1819 Description: Photograph of lease dated 1 st November 1819 from Lewis...
...for the sum of five shillings. The lease refers to a newly erected messuage tenement...
Digital Images Collection – Michaelchurch Court Papers: Deed of Appointment of Trustee (1970)
...Title: Digital Images Collection Michaelchurch Court Papers: Deed of Appointment of Trustee Place name: Michaelchurch...
...Michaelchurch Escley Date: 1970 Description: Photograph of deed of appointment of new Trustee in the...
Digital Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Conveyance (1952)
...Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Conveyance Place name: Longtown Date: 1952 Description: Photograph...
...Longtown Date: 1952 Description: Photograph of a Conveyance dated 29 th July 1952 between Mrs...
Digital Images Collection – Michaelchurch Court Papers: Epitome of Title (1944 - 1975)
...a summary of title documents for the freehold property known as Michaelchurch Court  ...
Digital Images Collection – Michaelchurch Court Papers: Deed of Conveyance, Capper to Hunter (1944)
...Title: Digital Images Collection Michaelchurch Court Papers: Deed of Conveyance, Capper to Hunter Place name:...
...Escley Date: 1944 Description: Photograph of a Deed of Conveyance by way of gift of...
...document includes handwritten memoranda added subsequently, detailing conveyances in the 1950s and 1960s of various...