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Search results for: +(deed freehold copyhold lease "lease for lives" conveyance mortgage)Page 55 of 168 As your search returned a large number of results |
Transcription of Agent’s pocket book. Map 11 items (1760 -1862) |
...file wait for download) Crasswall and Llanveyno Copyhold No . 1 Leasehold. Lease granted 29... | possession by purchase claims it as freehold. Llanveyno Nos. 573, 504, 507 & 508.... |
...Fence taken up between No. 28 and freehold. Llanveyno Nos.366, part 367 (1-1-5), and 368... |
...[3 more matches...]... |
Transcription of Agent’s pocket book, Map 1 items (1760 -1862) |
...see gc_stm_2006 In Michaelchurch Parish No. 1,2,3, Lease granted 9 May1805 to John Jenkins of... |
...Quantity 12 a.0r.34p No. 4, 5 Lease granted 21 Sept 1861 to Richard Francis... |
...930, 939,940 Quantity 3a.1r.30p No. 6,7,8 Lease granted 25 March1819 to Robert Francis. for... |
...Old Shop in the parish of Michaelchurch. Lease purchased by Henry Smith Tithe Map 943,... |
...Quantity 3a.2r.5p No. 9 Claimed as freehold, in possession of Wm Francis who bought... |
...[51 more matches...]... |
Transcription of Agent’s pocket book. Map 7 items (1760 -1862) |
...(large file wait for download) Michaelchurch. - Leasehold No. 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5,... |
...3, 4, 5, 6, 7 [struck out Lease granted 25 March 1803 to Rebecca Davies... |
...Improperly granted in the year 1859 as Copyhold to Wm Bishop of Dolward Michaelchurch Tithe... | No. 8 to 19 inclusive Lease granted 29 Sept 1807 to William Harris... |
...9 (children of Grantee] No 7a Lease granted 2 Feb 1859 to Richard Barton... |
...[1 more match...]... |
Transcription of Agent’s pocket book. Map 12 items (1760 -1862) |
...zoomable map (large file wait for download) Copyhold No.1, 2 Copy Granted 19 February 1858... |
...Fence taken up between No, 6 and freehold and about 2a let into freehold. now... |
...and a Capon No. 7, 8 Lease granted 29 Sept 1839 to Wm Watkins... |
...4a.1r.24p No. 10 to 15 inclusive Lease granted 29 Sept1844 to Eleanor Morgan of... |
Transcription of Agent’s pocket book. Map 17 items (1760 -1862) |
...No 17 Craswall (map taken from D1583/208) Copyhold No. 1 to 13 inclusive Copy granted... |
...forms part of the Coed Farm last lease granted in 1788 to Wm Watkins. Expired... |
Transcription of Agent’s pocket book. Map 14 items (1760 -1862) | g gwatkin Map No 14 Longtown Copyhold No 1 to 8 inclusive Copy granted... |
...- 60a.1r.34p] Acreage 43a.0r.0p Rent 3/9 Leasehold No. 28, 29 Lease granted 25 March... |
...Acreage 20a.3r.38p No 37, 38, 39 Lease Granted 29 Sept 1807 to David Jones... |
Draft of lease to John Griffiths (1819) |
...Baker Gabb catalogue D7 Title: Draft of lease to John Griffiths Place name: Llanveynoe Date:... |
Draft Lease to George Jenkins (1857) |
...Source: Baker Gabb catalogue D7 Title: Draft Lease to George Jenkins Place name: Craswall Date:... |
...Date: 1857 Description: 2 February 1857 Draft Lease 1. Rt Hon William Nevill, Earl of... |
Lease (1863) |
...D7.136 Source: Baker Gabb catalogue D7 Title: Lease Place name: St Margarets Date: 1863 Description:... |
...Margarets Date: 1863 Description: 29 September 1863 Lease 1. Rt Hon William, Earl of Abergavenny... |
...the parish of St Margarets, co Hereford. Lease for 3 lives. 10/6 pa. Observations:... |
Abstract of title: copyholds in St Margarets (1895) |
...Gabb catalogue D7 Title: Abstract of title: copyholds in St Margarets Place name: St Margarets... |
...1895 Description: 1895 Abstract of Title to copyhold hereditaments in the Manor of Ewyas Lacy... |