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Digital Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Indenture of Mortgage (1896)
...Images Collection: Ty Newydd [New House] Documents: Indenture of Mortgage Place name: Longtown Date: 1896...
...Mortgage Place name: Longtown Date: 1896 Description: Indenture of Mortgage dated 15 th July 1896...
Old Charles Meadow, The Birches & Brighton Camp (1675 -1920)
...Old Charles Meadow & Birches from 1890 Indenture   Indenture 14 th June 27th Charles...
...on the exterior of the document]   Indenture 4 th May 1713. Between Richard Phillips...
...Williams of Bristol, sope maker. Recites 1675 Indenture - now late in the possession of...
...on the exterior of the document]   Indenture 5 th May 1802. Assignment of Leasehold...
...[16 more matches...]...
The Birches and Sunnybank (1793-1968)
...SB and Samuel Beavan and to an Indenture 28th March 1775 between the same parties....
...Williams and William Lewis. Mortgage now 250. Indenture Dec 1925 principal sum of 250 now...
...from Howards in fee simple by an Indenture of even date herewith made between the...
...HWH in fee simple conveyed by an Indenture of even date hereto.   Statutory Declaration...
Indenture between Isabela Miles, Thomas Miles and Jane Jenkins (1796)
...Collection Reference: LD_tg_0005 Source: Original Document Title: Indenture between Isabela Miles, Thomas Miles and Jane...
...Jenkins Place name: Craswall Date: 1796   Description: Indenture dated 21st March 1796 between Isabela Miles...
Indenture for sale of Dykes Land by Thomas Jenkins to Jane Jenkins (1773)
...Collection Reference: LD_tg_0005 Source: Original Document Title: Indenture for sale of Dykes Land by Thomas...
...Michaelchurch Escley, Craswall Date: 1773 Description This Indenture is in a very poor condition and...
...Michaelchurch Escley.   By way of the Indenture Thomas Jenkins sold Dykes [?Pykes] Lands Michaelchurch...
...another name which is missing from the Indenture. [This other name may be Pykes or...
...  One of the witnesses to the Indenture is an Allen [possibly Edward Allen who...
21 year lease of Griglands from William Brydges to Richard Corbet [Corbett] for lives of Thomas Quarrell, wife Jane and son James (1657) extra 6s.   March 2nd 1657 Indenture between William Brydges of Tibberton Esq and...
Transcription: Marquess of Abergavenny’s Estate Act 1880 (1880)
...the Leasing Act of 1855 by an indenture dated the last-mentioned day and made or...
...this Act refers:   And whereas that indenture witnessed to the effect that in consideration...
...mentioned;   And  whereas  by the same indenture the lessees did for themselves their heirs...
...and sixty-five:   And whereas by an indenture dated the twenty-eighth day of August one... thousand eight hundred and eighty an indenture dated that day was made or expressed...
...[72 more matches...]...
Abstract of Title dated 1899 of late William Webb to Tyn-y-gwynt (1843 to 1898)
...Escley in the County of Hereford.   Indenture September 16 th 1874 Reciting that the...
Abstract of Title of Mr Jonathan Howells to New House, Tyn-y-gwynt and Pensylvania (1833-1909)
...years ago.   23 rd Oct 1900 Indenture between John Haynes Yeomans and Jonathan Howells...
...As to Twyn-y-gwint 20 th September 1899 Indenture between John Meredith of Brecon, grocer, Arthur...
...As to Pensylvania 2 nd Aug 1856 Indenture between Frederick Allen of Cheltenham, gent, John...
...fully paid.   24 th Nov 1908 Indenture between: (1) the Howard children including: Henry...
Meredith Maddy’s Charity (1840)
...afterwards confirmed by the Lord Chancellor. By indenture dated 31st December 1823, between Sir George...