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Digital Archive: Printed Maps of the County of Herefordshire (1577 - 1750)
...Source: Original documents Title: Digital Archive: Printed Maps of the County of Herefordshire Place name:...
...A collection of thumbnail images of old maps of Herefordshire is included to show how...
...Bowen 1750 The definitive authority on the maps of Herefordshire is Brian Smith, Herefordshire Maps...
...quality images of a selection of Herefordshire maps over the years can be downloaded as...
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Digital Archive: Maps of the Michaelchurch Court Estate (1815 - 1990)
...Source: Original Documents [extracts] Title: Digital Archive: Maps of the Michaelchurch Court Estate Place name:...
...Michaelchurch Court Estate over the years contain maps showing the extent of the holdings in...
...greater or lesser detail. The principal Estate maps are listed below, with links to downloadable...
Digital Archive: Maps of the Marquess of Abergavenny’s Estate (1815 - 1990)
...Source: Original Documents [extracts] Title: Digital Archive: Maps of the Marquess of Abergavenny s Estate... Ewyas Lacy over the years contain maps showing the extent of the holdings in...
...greater or lesser detail. The principal Estate maps are listed below, with links to downloadable...
Video Archive: Compare the Golden Valley of 1886 with Today (2022) as follows: Using the Ordnance Survey maps of 1886 and recent photographs we can...
Turnastone Court Farm – An Assessment of the Historical, Landscape, Ecological and Agricultural importance of the Water Meadows. (2004)
...Trust in 2003/4. A few figures and maps missing from the draft have been found...
...survey work, David Lovelace for digitising the maps and Huw Sherlock for archaeological advice.  ...
...same direction as the Trench Royal. Old maps suggest a water meadow supply ditch in...
...where there is a delightful bridge. Old maps show that in this area there used...
...field boundaries change position on the 1885 Maps. They are mainly mixed thorn and most...
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Digital Archive: Turnastone Court Farm Photograph Collection Part 6 of 7 – The Water Meadows (2004)
...6 of the photograph collection contains drawings, maps and photographs pertaining to these water meadows...
Turnastone Court Farm: Walkover Survey Report on Features of Archaeological Interest (2004)
...and to record these photographically, produce survey maps and provide interpretative data and management advice....
...field boundaries (see figure 3 below). On maps from the early part of the nineteenth...
Olchon Development Project: Draft Environmental Audit report (1999)
...distinguished. Comparison with the 1887 6 OS maps which showed field and hedgerow trees reveals...
...pole (0.23 % of a hectare). The maps and their apportionments for Craswall, Llanveynoe, Longtown,...
...6 Inch to the Mile Ordnance Survey Maps These were published in 1887 and introduced,...
...plantation, rough pasture, scrub and ponds. The maps show the extent of unimproved rough pasture...
...or even just pasture by the Tithe maps and surveys of 1840 were grazed woodland...
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Mary’s Stones: investigating the ‘Mrs Macnamara’ Boundary Stones in the Black Mountains (1820s)
...This is shown clearly on two estate maps of 1759 arid 1760 - a plan...
...of Beaufort. An interesting study of these maps is held at Crickhowell District Archives [9]... Grwyne Fechan Before the first tithe maps of the area (1841), accurate maps were... a border line. The 1841 tithe maps, which for the first time showed in...
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Macnamara Myths [relating to John Macnamara of Llangoed Hall] (1790s – 1840s)
...finds no evidence in early Ordnance Survey maps that it was more than a horse...
...Morgan Jones uses evidence from early OS maps to show that a building first appeared...