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Property Details, Quarrelly Farm and Land (2009)
...Held at: Private collection Reference: gc Source: Sale Particulars Title: Property Details, Quarrelly Farm and...
Image and details of sale particulars including Ty Ycha [Tyuchaf] (1843)
...Original Documents Title: Image and details of sale particulars including Ty Ycha [Tyuchaf] Place name:...
...Place name: Michaelchurch Escley Date: 1843 Description: Sale particulars for Auction at the Swan Inn,...
...    Observations: See tg_mic_0049 for 1852 sale particulars also including Ty Ycha tenanted by...
...Estate Maps Local Estates, from Surveys and Sale Particulars   Tithe Maps Owners, occupiers and...
Theme: Michaelchurch Court Estate ‘Under the Hammer’ (1567 - 1990)
...1815 and 1818 , and the 1815 sale particulars survive [see below]. The 1815 auction...
...[see below for detailed 1862 and 1863 sale particulars]. This time it was sold to...
...again in 1990 [see below for detailed sale particulars] although significant portions of the estate...
A Brief History of Ewyas Lacy (620 - 1922)
...of Ewyas Lacy (1800); Hereford RO: M5/36/2, Sale particulars of the Marquess of Abergavenny s...
...Lacy Court Books [34] Hereford RO: M5/36/2, Sale particulars of the Marquess of Abergavenny s...
Abstract of deeds and documents relating to Little Blackhill Farm, Llanveynoe (1805 - 1986)
...[sic] acres in possession of the proprietor. Sale particulars 2014 smallholding with 20 acres. Listed...
Digital Archive - Sale Particulars: Ger Y Mynydd (2015)
...RS Source: Internet Title: Digital Archive - Sale Particulars: Ger Y Mynydd Place name: Longtown...
...Mynydd Place name: Longtown Date: 2015 Description: Sale particulars for Ger Y Mynydd were issued...
Digital Archive - Sale Particulars: Old Court Farm (2015)
...RS Source: Internet Title: Digital Archive - Sale Particulars: Old Court Farm Place name: Lower...
...Place name: Lower Maescoed Date: 2015 Description: Sale particulars for Old Court Farm were issued...
Digital Archive - Sale Particulars: New Forest Farm (2015)
...RS Source: Internet Title: Digital Archive - Sale Particulars: New Forest Farm Place name: Craswall...
...Farm Place name: Craswall Date: 2015 Description: Sale particulars for New Forest Farm were issued...
Digital Archive - Sale Particulars: New House (2015)
...RS Source: Internet Title: Digital Archive - Sale Particulars: New House Place name: Cusop Date:...
...House Place name: Cusop Date: 2015 Description: Sale particulars for New House, Cusop were issued...