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Lease for lives, Upper Maescoed (1702)
...Upper Common of Mescoed, lying by the road from Mescoed to Hay. For the lives...
Parish Council records (1894-1980)
...particular topics, as follows: Street lighting AO65/5 Roads AO65/6 Children s playing field (including tenancy... fund AO65/24 Dead trees AO65/25 Oxford Road site AO65/26 Entry into Powys AO65/27 Snow...
Research Paper: The life and times of Michaelchurch Mill (1241-2007)
...centuries, nor is it an accident that roads become established to and from mill sites....
...stone culvert which goes under the Vowchurch road to emerge just downstream of the bridge....
...referred to was built just across the road from the actual watermill, which had no... Yew Tree Cottage on the Longtown road, was employed as a miller. Charles Lewis...
...change was also being driven by b roader trends breaking down the traditional rural economy....
Highways; drainage of road (1907)
...AB86/2/a Source: Catalogue Title: Highways; drainage of road Place name: Cusop Date: 1907 Description: 6...
...6 Sept, 1907. Agreement re drainage of road at Cusop. Penoyre and County Council. Plan...
Feoffment (1622)
...adjoining Rivers Monow and Eskley and the road from Longtown to Michaelchurch Eskley. (Latin). Observations...
Deeds to cottage & blacksmiths shop (1819-1848)
...acres at Upper Maescoed near to the road leading from Pontrilas to Hay and the...
...from Pontrilas to Hay and the Turnpike Road leading from Michaelchurch to Hay, 1819-48. Transactions...
Conveyance relating to the Michaelchurch Court Estate (1962)
...situate on the East side of the road leading from Michaelchurch Eskley to Hay-on-Wye, and...
Grist Book: Clodock Mill (1928 - 1936)
...Penland Gwatkin Hunthouse Proctor, Allen Greyhound Hassel Road Prosser A. Old Court Howells O. Tymawr...
Grist Book: Clodock Mill (1923 - 1924)
...Court Gwatkin Hunthouse Thomas Cwm Coched Hassel Road Thomas Hunthouse Howells, Aaron Wain Watkins Mody...
Grist Book: Clodock Mill (1922)
...Penlan Gwatkin Hunthouse Price J. Cwm Hassel Road Prichard Turnant Howells Wain Prichard Bull House...