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Grist Book: Clodock Mill (1923)
...Prosser Cwmcofed Gwatkin Hunthouse Smith Steps Hassel Road Smith, James Olchon Court Howells, Aaron Wain...
Oral History: Jackie Stewart recollections of Michaelchurch Mill (1906-1950)
...mill around 1930, and on a b roadcast about Michaelchurch Mill on BBC radio Hereford... Yew Tree Cottage, on the Longtown road. Warren had an accident and badly damaged...
...stuff. The living quarters were across the road at the present P.O. and baking was...
...became derelict. BBC Hereford & Worcester B roadcast April 7th 1989 [Warren Lewis speaking] We...
Conveyance: Clodock Mill (1851)
...are on the east side of the Road from Longtown to Walterstone abutting to lands...
...on the west side of the same road mereing and abutting to lands late of...
Mortgage Indenture: Clodock Mill (1922)
...between the borrower Anne Lewis of Hunthouse Road, Clodock, wife of William Lewis, and the...
Grist Book: Clodock Mill (1926 - 1927)
...Gwatkin, Albert Hunthouse Watkins Mody [Moody] Hassel Road Watkins Corras Howells, Aaron Wain Watkins, David...
Conveyance relating to the Michaelchurch Court Estate (1950) a right of way over the roadway or track on the adjoining land through...
...through Dukes Farm and thence to the road and to rights to take water from...
Grist Book: Clodock Mill (1923)
...Old Court Gwatkin Hunthouse Smith Steps Hassel Road Thomas Cwm Coched Howells, Aaron Wain Thomas...
Photograph of Michaelchurch Mill (c. 1983)
...view of Michaelchurch Mill from the Vowchurch Road was taken prior to conversion to a...
Supplemental Abstract of Title; Clodock Mill (1851 - 1867)
...East side of the Longtown to Walterstone road abutting lands late of Mrs Lewis decd.,...
...on the West side of the said road abutting to lands late of Sarah Davies,...
Probate Collection, Wills and Inventories: John Watkins (1856)
...of Craswall, and the plock over the road in the parish of Michaelchurch Escley, and...