Sitemap - Clodock, Craswall
- Draft Lease, 1856
- Lease of a barn and land on Forest Hene, 1812
- Lease of a cottage and land in Forest Hene, 1823
- Lease of a cottage, barn and land in Forest Hene, 1819
- Lease of a cottage, barn and land on Forest Hene, 1792
- Lease of a parcel of land called Georgia in Forest Hene, 1805
- Lease of a parcel of land called Georgia in Forest Hene, 1845
- Lease of cottage and land on Forest Hene, 1758
- Lease of land called Cae Mawr in Forest Hene, 1826
- Lease of messuage, blacksmith shop, barns and land on Forest Hene, 1812