Sitemap - Clodock, Newton
- Guest Contribution: Club visit to Old Court Farm, Wain Herbert Quarry and Clodock Chuch in 1932, 1932
- Lease of a cottage and land on Lower Maescoed, 1814
- Lease of a messuage and land on Lower Maescoed, 1813
- Lease of cottage and land in Newton, 1760
- Lease of cottage and land on Forest Hene, 1807
- Lease of cottage and land on Lower Maescoed Common, 1826
- Lease of lands, 1773
- Lease of messuage and land, 1784
- Lease of messuage and land in Lower Maescoed, 1781
- Lease of messuage and land in Lower Maescoed, 1781
- Press Cutting: Report of infestation of worms on oak trees in Newton, 1838