Sitemap - Craswall, Clodock
- Digital Archive: Indenture concerning land in Forest Hene, 1718
- Lease of a cottage and land on Forest Hene, 1832
- Lease of a cottage and land on Forest Hene, 1833
- Lease of cottage and land, 1797
- Lease of cottage and land, 1857
- Lease of cottage and land on Forest Hene, 1788
- Lease of cottage and land on Forest Hene, 1794
- Lease of cottage and land on Forest Hene, 1857
- Lease of cottage and land on Forest Hene, 1857
- Lease of cottage, barn and land in Forest Hene, 1805
- Lease of land called Kae Coch, 1803
- Lease of messuage, barn and land, 1778
- Lease of messuage, barn and land, 1778
- Lease of rough land, 1778