Sitemap - Ewyas Lacy, Foothog
- Lease of cottage and land called Pike and Garth in Foothog, 1775
- Lease of cottage and land in Cwmyoy, 1775
- Lease of cottage and land in Foothog, 1766
- Lease of cottage and land in Foothog, 1774
- Lease of cottage and land in Foothog, 1797
- Lease of cottage and land in Foothog, 1800
- Lease of cottage and land in Foothog, 1800
- Lease of cottage and land in Foothog, 1801
- Lease of cottage and land on a common called the Gare, 1800
- Lease of cottage and land on Coed y Cerrig, 1762
- Lease of cottage, barn and land in Cwmyoy, 1788
- Lease of messuage called Teer Coed Yeos and land in Foothog, 1774
- Lease of sheep-cot and land in Foothog, 1765
- Lease of two cottages and land, 1759