Sitemap - Michaelchurch Eskley
- ldhsarchive_mfs_mic_0150, 1654
- Probate Collection;
Will for
Harry Poell., 1586
- Probate Collection;
Will for Edmund Thomas Esq., 1758
- Probate Collection; Bond and documents for John David, bachelor, 1638
- Probate Collection; Bond and documents for Mauld Harry, 1627
- Probate Collection; Bond and documents for Symond Parry, yeoman????????, 1641
- Probate Collection; Bond and documents for Thomas Griffith, 1634
- Probate Collection; Inventory for Howell Harry Powell, yeoman, 1634
- Probate Collection; Will and documents for Anne David Madocke, widow ??? late wife of Thomas David Madocke., 1626
- Probate Collection; Will and documents for David Thomas David ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
P, 1640
- Probate Collection; Will and documents for Elizabeth Reese, widow, 1635
- Probate Collection; Will and documents for Gwillam Thomas aPowell,
yeoman, 1570
- Probate Collection; Will and documents for Harry Watkins, tucker, 1640
- Probate Collection; Will and documents for Howell Powell, butcher/husbandman, 1634
- Probate Collection; Will and documents for Johan Harry, widow - late????
wife of Thomas Harry deceased.????????, 1641
- Probate Collection; Will and documents for Margaret David, widow, 1639
- Probate Collection; Will and documents for Richard Thomas Powell, yeoman, 1638
- Probate Collection; Will and documents for William Thomas William Powell, bachelor, 1636